boost lol

Almost from the first day League of Legends opened their ranked section, people have been buying and selling a service named Elo Boost — or Elo Boosting if you want to be more exact. Summoners got tired of being stuck in elo hell and decided to buy lol boosting to both improve their gameplay and to raise their LoL elo. A lot of players argue that elo hell does not exist, but almost all boosters agree that it does, and all because of the simple fact that if you are a player who belongs in GOLD, but you are stuck in silver, it is very hard to carry yourself out of your elo, mostly because your teammates argue, flame and they might not be good enough to help you carry the game. But if you are a diamond skilled player who is stuck in platinum, it is much easier to carry yourself up, because the other platinum players will cooperate more than most silver players will. Of course, this is all relative, and there is a lot of controversy about this subject. No one can agree on if elo hell actually exists or not.

Today’s League of Legends community has very diverse opinions when it comes to boost lol. A lot of players will openly oppose it and argue that Riot should put a stop to this once and for all, but most of those players have already received a boost or is planning on doing it. Our site alone has boosted over 500 000 different League of Legends accounts. There are hundreds of boosting sites out there. Can you even imagine how many players receive or participate in boosting? It seems like League of Legends boosting is one of those things that people are afraid to admit to, but most people partake in. One of the reason it has become so popular is because it’s much more fun playing with higher skilled players than yourself. You learn more and after playing for a while in platinum, your skill level will be around platinum and you can learn to carry yourself even higher. Many people who buy from us ends up being able to carrying themselves even a whole tier higher than we boosted them to. People just need a confidence boost, and the chance to play with people who are better than them. It’s a great way to learn! Of course, a lot of the players who purchase from us, also purchase LoL coaching or LoL Guides, to supplement their knowledge.Подробнее тут in all, 90% of players, in our experience, will either get boosted or buy LoL guides and League of Legends coaching.

When it comes to the boosting process itself, it is very safe with us, and a completely smooth experience. We always improve our website and make changes to suit our clients, and we are always open to new ideas. Some of the functions we have on our website are only here because clients have asked for it. As you know, we don’t only aim to satisfy those of our clients who are interested in getting a lol boost, we also sell guides, referrals and League of Legends coaching. LoL coaching is also one of those things that have been around for a very long time. Our coaches are truly one of a kind. They excel at teaching and improving our clients’ gameplay. We have often sold League of Legends coaching to clients in bronze and silver who, after 10 or so lessons, manage to go all the way to platinum and even diamond by themselves. It is surely a great accomplishment. Most players are very obsessed with their LoL elo, not just gaining it and reaching a new ranking, but also on improving their own skills. This can be done by both getting your account an elo boost, so you will play with players of a higher skill than you and learn from them, and also from getting LoL coaching or reading guides.

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